Andi Mitra, Herwin Herwin, Siska Nuryanti


Tunjuk Langit (Helminthostachys Zelanica (L) Hook.) is a plant with family Opioglossaceae traditionally and empirically used as antibacterial with chemical compound flavonoid and saponin. This research aims to determine antibacterial activity of endophytic fungi isolate of Tunjuk Langit (Helminthostachys Zelanica (L) Hook.) root on bacteria that cause gastrointestinal infections. The result of the isolation endophytic fungi against from Tunjuk Langit (Helminthostachys Zelanica (L) Hook.) root using PDA+C medium and purification isolate obtained 7 pure isolates and analysis macroscopic from 8 isolates (IFATL-01, IFATL-02, IFATL-03, IFATL-04, IFATL-05, IFATL-05, IFATL-06, IFATL-07 and IFATL-08) obtained different charasteristics. Production of secondary metabolites of isolate active (IFATL05) by fermentation unsing maltose yeast broth (MYB) obtained supernatant and miselia. Metabolites supernatant were extracted using ethyl acetat, so obtained extract ethyl acetate supernatan. The result of the antibacterial activity of isolate endophytic fungi against V. cholerae, S. dysenteriae and E. coli bacteria by Agar diffusion obtained the largest diameter of the inhibition zone in isolate IFATL-05 = 29.13 mm active against S. dysenteriae bacteria. Based on phytochemical screening f


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