Herwin Herwin, Ayyub Harly Nurung, Nur Intan Ambon, Tadjuddin Naid


Prevention of the transmission of covid 19 can be done by implementing the health protocol, namely 3M (wearing masks, washing hands and social distance). Based on research, the use of masks can reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 by 45 percent as well as hand washing reduces the risk by 35 percent. WHO recommends washing hands with soap/antiseptic for 20-30 seconds and applying the right steps. Another effort is to maintain a distance of at least 1 meter and avoid crowds. To assist the government in preventing the transmission of covid 19, socialization of the 3M activity was carried out at the Darul Istiqamah Maros Islamic Boarding School which is located on the Maros-Makassar Street, Mandai District, Maros Regency. This location was chosen because Maros was the third highest area with the number of people who are positive for the corona virus in South Sulawesi. Islamic boarding school students are a partner group that is expected to apply the 3M health protocol so as to prevent the transmission of covid 19. The activity is carried out by providing counseling about the importance of implementing 3M, how to implement 3M and also by distributing masks, soap and disinfectants needed to implement health protocols. The activity was carried out well and received a good response from the participants with 33 participants from various classes who were students of the Darul Istiqamah Islamic Boarding School Makassar.


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